Why Join PSEA-Retired?

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PSEA-Retired: Why Join?

Retiring from your job doesn't mean you should retire from PSEA and the important activities of your union.

PSEA-Retired offers a wealth of programs, activities, and benefits - while keeping you connected to the people and the profession that are so important to you.

Benefits of PSEA-Retired Membership

Protecting You

Your protection continues through the NEA Educator’s Employment Liability Insurance (EEL) as well as PSEA’s Legal Services.

Whether lobbying to protect your pension fund, guarantee affordable healthcare, or secure cost-of-living adjustments, PSEA uses its strength in numbers to more effectively fight for school retirees.

Stay Connected

We know that your commitment to public education and the community doesn’t end with retirement.

PSEA-Retired brings you and  your colleagues together: to make a difference for public schools, make a difference in your community, and to have fun.

News & Updates

PSEA-Retired keeps its members up-to-date on issues relevant to school retirees. You can count on PSEA-Retired and NEA-Retired to provide timely and accurate information.

Saving you money

PSEA and NEA negotiate discounts on thousands of products and services for members.

PSEA-Retired members who use Member Benefits programs can save the cost of membership many times over!