State budget revenue package still unsettled

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State budget revenue package still unsettled

Voice: September 2017

As this edition of Voice went to press, the General Assembly had still not finally approved a balanced revenue package to pay for Pennsylvania’s state budget and important budget-related bills.

But, thanks to PSEA members’ advocacy, Gov. Tom Wolf’s leadership, and pro-public education lawmakers, the budget that became law on July 10 includes key victories for schools, students, and PSEA members.

“Pennsylvania has a solid spending plan on the books that makes school funding a top priority,” said PSEA Treasurer Jeff Ney. “But the process isn’t complete until we have revenue in place to pay for it. I hope that lawmakers can finalize a revenue plan soon.”

The state budget became law on July 10 and included key state funding increases for basic education, special education, early childhood programs, and colleges and universities. It also continues to distribute basic education funding through a new, equitable formula.

However, as of press time, the House of Representatives had still not approved a revenue plan that the Senate and the governor agreed to in July. The Senate passed that revenue plan on July 27, and Wolf indicated he would sign it if it reaches his desk.

The House has not been in voting session since then.

“We’re very hopeful that this uncertainty will end soon,” Ney said. “But one thing is certain. PSEA members spoke out about the kind of funding our schools and students need – and Gov. Wolf fought for it from the beginning. That’s why the state budget includes so many good things for our schools.”

Find more details about the budget progress to date at