PSEA is a community of education professionals who make a difference in the lives of students every day.
Aaron Chapin took office as PSEA president on Sept. 1, 2023. He previously served as PSEA vice president, PSEA Northeastern Region president, and president of the Stroudsburg Area Education Association. Aaron has also served on the PSEA Board of Directors and on the National Education Association’s Committee for Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules.
Aaron taught fourth and fifth grade for 25 years, most of that time at the Stroudsburg Area Middle School. He’s taught all content areas throughout his career but has focused particularly on social studies and reading.
Aaron graduated from Penn State in 1993 with a Bachelor of Science degree in elementary education, after switching from a business major his sophomore year when he realized teaching was his true calling. He went on to receive a master's degree in education from Wilkes University in 1999.
Early in his career, Aaron became involved with his local, the Stroudsburg Area Education Association, initially as a building rep and later as the Act 48 chair, the PACE chair, and chief negotiator. From 2013 to 2019, he served as president of the local. Aaron also served as PSEA’s Northeastern Region president from 2017 to 2019.
As president of PSEA, Chapin focuses on engaging PSEA members, lifting up their voices, and finding solutions to some of the toughest challenges facing public education today, including crisis-level school staff shortages and inequities in education funding.
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