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RESPECT Initiative: Invest in more school nurses, counselors, psychologists, and social workers

School nurses improve student attendance by promoting good health, preventing disease, and managing student illnesses.

School counselors, psychologists, and social workers help students navigate challenges at school and at home – and keep students safe. Increasing the number of school counselors was a key recommendation from Gov. Tom Wolf’s task force on school safety in 2018.*

The problem is that there just aren’t enough of these professionals to go around.

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The reason this is a top priority for PSEA is simple. People in our communities respect what educators do. That’s something PSEA members can be proud of.

But, with the educator shortage worsening, public education faces a growing crisis. PSEA is working to meet these challenges. That’s what PSEA’s RESPECT initiative is all about.

If you have a story that helps illustrate why increasing the number of school nurses, counsleors, psychologists and social workers is critical to PA’s public education, click below to share it — and PSEA will help you tell it.