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Most PSEA members have life and health insurance, but neither is designed to replace the income you could lose if you were out of work for six months, a year, or maybe more.

PSEA's Disability Income Insurance Plan is designed to help protect your income. It works when you can’t.

Program Benefits

  • Eligibility: PSEA members under age 60, residing in the U.S.*, actively working at least 30 hours per week
  • Benefit periods offered to age 65 (24 month and 12 month plans also available)
  • Waiting periods offered: 60, 90, 180, or 365 days
  • Maximum monthly benefit: $5,000, $2,500, or $1,500 according to occupation
  • Eligible for waiver of premium after collecting three consecutive months of disability benefits

*Not available in all states. Contact the Administrator for current availability.