Your Opinion, Please!

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Your Opinion, Please!

Do you have one minute?

That’s the question we’ll be asking EA and ESP members this fall, and we hope you’ll help.

We need every EA and ESP member to answer a five-question survey summarizing your attitudes about our Association. 

Completing the survey is simple, but it’s very important. We are very interested in what you think about our Association, and the information you’ll provide is part of a comprehensive effort to get member input and engage members in discussions about our union.

How to Take the Survey

Activate your PSEA ID card

When you activate your PSEA ID card, you'll receive instructions for completing the survey online. 

Remember: It only takes one minute to complete.

Check your postal mail

When you get your PSEA ID cards in the mail this fall, you’ll also get the survey and a light blue, postage-paid envelope you can use to send it back to PSEA after completing it.

You'll also receive instructions to complete the survey by phone or online.